
Air movement has a significant effect on a person’s perception of comfort. A slight movement around the feet will give a feeling of discomfort, whilst at head level it probably won’t be noticed.

In older properties, cold draughts from around Windows and doors and the cold down-draught from Windows often cause discomfort and complaints of cold feet.

To overcome the problem of down-draughts, radiators in areas where people are sitting for long periods, such as a lounge, dining room, study etc, should be located beneath the Windows.

A radiator under the window helps counteract any cold down draught.

Elsewhere in the house, the location of radiators will usually be determined by the layout of the furniture and this is often on internal walls.

Ideally, radiators should be located so that air can circulate freely around them and preferably at least 100 mm above floor level. Full length curtains over radiators will inhibit their performance and should be avoided.

Radiators should not be located near fresh air vents due to the risk of freezing.

For further information on calculating heat losses and radiator sizes, please go to Selection Wizard in our site.